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January 22, 2017 1 min read

Pine Pollen Buds Still Developing


Our harvesters are beginning to scout pine plantations throughout BC for the upcoming 2017 harvest of pure Canadian pine pollen. Looking forward to May and June, we are returning to the same plantations to ensure the pine trees harvested in 2016 are healthy and that the harvest has not negatively impacted their continued growth of pollen buds. Our team works with field harvesters to ensure sustainable harvesting methods are adhered to and the health of the forest is being closely monitored.

The picture above shows a pine branch which was harvested by our harvest field team in 2016. Our field scouts have noted that most branches have grown new buds around the perimeter of the harvested catkin. This shows that the same branch is able to successfully regenerate and continue to produce pollen buds year after year.

We're eagerly looking forward to the 2017 harvest season and to provide the purest pine pollen from Canadian forests.

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