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February 21, 2017 1 min read

Dr. Saeid Mushtagh making pine pollen tinctures

Dr. Saeid Mushtagh, ND from the North Shore Naturopathic Clinic in North Vancouver, BC, Canada.

We're excited to announce we have just finished mixing our first small-batch of tinctures! The tinctures will need about 1.5 months to settle, so please be patient. We'll have three species of pine pollen available, including:

  • Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) - British Columbia Canada

  • Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) - British Columbia Canada

  • Masson's Pine (Pinus Massoniana) - Yunnan Province, China

The tincturing process and formula was overseen by our resident doctor Dr. Saeid Mushtagh, ND from the North Shore Naturopathic Clinic in North Vancouver, BC, Canada. If you would like to learn about pine pollen tinctures, you can contact Dr. Mushtagh at:

We'll be sending out an email to all our subscribers about how and when the tinctures are bottled and ready to ship!

Check out our online store to order premium pine pollen tincture from Western Canada and South-West China. The Canadian Pine Pollen Company has a mission to be the premier source of wild-harvested pine pollen.

Check out our pine pollen store where you can buy pine pollen:

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