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March 03, 2019 2 min read


“If you wouldn’t put it in, don’t put it on!” The old saying holds true: your skin is the largest organ in the body and plays an important role in removing toxins from your system, regulating body temperature and protecting you from infection. It will also absorb whatever you put onto it. It’s no surprise, then, that clean skin and body care is paramount to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

We took up arms against the chemical warfare that’s waged in our bathrooms and came up with an all-in-one soap.

Pine pollen infused natural soaps

Why wash clean?

According to the Environmental Working Group, “personal care products are manufactured with 10,500 unique chemical ingredients, some of which are known or suspected carcinogens, toxic to the reproductive system or known to disrupt the endocrine system.” Yikes.

The endocrine system – responsible for mood, fertility and metabolism, to name a few – is easily disrupted by even small doses of many of these chemicals. What’s worse, they cause oxidative stress in the body, a key contributor to the process of aging. (You read that right, getting clean can ageyou!) 

Anti-aging Pine Pollen

Fear not, we’ve just launched our new line of soaps made using thespruce tips andpine bud husks leftover from our harvest, making them the best option for you and the planet.

Both spruce tips and pine buds contain vitamin C, a potent antioxidant which can combat the damage caused by free radicals, alleviate pigmentation and promote collagen synthesis (adios, wrinkles). We add these to a natural coconut oil base, to further assist collagen production, wound healing and moisturise dry skin. We round out the recipe with castor and olive oils and essential oils like geranium and Bergamot in place of chemical fragrances.

Did you notice you can pronounce those ingredients? What you won’t see on our labels are parabens, formaldehyde or phthalates or any packaging with BPA. You’re welcome.

We believe simple is the best. Our soaps are gentle enough for the whole body and, depending on your hair type, can replace your shampoo as well.

You can purchase yourshere and we promise you, you won’t look back.

Pine pollen infused Soap Pine pollen infused natural Soap Pine pollen infused spruce tip Soap

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